Publications- UX Research

Jungle Party - a game about loss and grief

Qualitative research on digital media to develop requirements for therapeutic games.

Research Approach: Interviews, Participatory Design, Prototype (Adobe XD and Photoshop), Forms.

Rufus - Uma Plataforma de Autoria para Jogos Digitais Terapêuticos

Development of Websit with focus in End User development.

Research Approach: Usability tests, Interviews, Participatory Design.

One Profile, Many Memories: Projecting Memorials for Instagram via Participatory Design

Prototyping of Instagram based in User Experience. Also Design Requirements

Research Approach: Focal Group, Interviews, Participatory Design, Transcription of Videos, Forms.

Will My Data Be Legacies? An Elderly Perspective on Digital Assets and Digital Legacies

Qualitative/Quantitative research with elderly group about using of digital midias.

Research Approach: Interview, Forms, Grapichs Generation.

Um negócio de Dois Mundos: Aspectos da Morte no Mundo Físico Transpostos para Memoriais Digitais

Analisys of people perspective about grief, and transposing this for digital midias.

Research Approach: Transcription of Interviews, Qualitative Analysis, Prototyping the ideas (Photoshop and Adobe XD)

O controle por detrás da tela: a Inteligência Artificial da Netflix sob a ótica dos usuários

Qualitative research seeing users create and using a new account in Netflix, and how they using affect the recomendations. Also, they happiness in using the platform after one week.

Research approach: Interview, Observational User Using.

© 2019 Aline Elias Cardoso Verhalen, Brazil
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